Changing Tables: Take the Hassle Out of Diaper Duty

Changing tables aren’t the first piece of furniture that comes to our mind when furnishing our baby’s nursery. However, it is an important addition, without a doubt. While it is possible to change your baby on the floor, believe me, it’s nice to have a right place to change your baby’s diaper that is comfortable for both of you and your child. As a parent of two, I can tell you that there will be days that you will be changing your baby’s diaper anywhere from 8-12 times and a changing table will help make this task much easier.

Changing tables are designed to place the baby at a height that prevents you from bending, saving you unnecessary back pain. Some people think twice before purchasing a changing table thinking it will become useless within a year or two. While this may be true, a lot of manufacturers produce changing tables that can be repurposed as a dresser or desk.

To be functional, you will want to choose a piece that fits the space, is comfortable to use, is versatile, and most important, is safe and sturdy. Here are few things to consider in order to choose a changing table that is right for you.

Choose a table that fits well in your baby’s nursery. Will it be the only place for storage in the room or you plan to have additional pieces of furniture to keep your baby’s necessities? Measure the piece to make sure you have room for it (preferably in a place away from a window).

I have a large changing table that allows me to change my baby facing me. I’ve chosen it because I will be able to use the table for much longer (some children are in diapers until age three), and it is so much comfortable as it gives my child space to stretch out and roll. To be convenient, you will want to choose a table layout that makes easy to reach the diapers, wipes, and creams while changing the baby as well as offer enough storage for all your diapering needs. Also, choose a height that is comfortable for you to avoid sore back while changing diapers.

Changing tables that sit on top of a dresser are a good option to consider for various reasons. They are a space saver, they can be used as a dresser as your child grows, and they are a sturdier option.

Safety and Stability
When choosing a changer, you will want to give the piece a good shake to ensure it is sturdy enough to hold an active child or an older child. Also, check it to make sure there are no recalls on the model you are considering.

By doing your research, asking around and buying from a reliable brand, you will surely get a changing table that is right for you and your baby.

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