The Common Uses of Camping Flashlights and How to Choose the Best Model

Any experienced camper will agree that the torch is one of the most essential pieces of camping kit, especially those with LED bulb type since they last longer than other option. It is a very trusty tool that will help you battle the darkness whenever you are. Once the sun goes down, your torch will be the one to rely on. So, if you are seriously considering to try camping and spend the weekend on the campsite, spending some money on quality camping flashlight is simply a must. If you are new into camping and you don’t know a lot about this amazing tool, here are some information you may find useful.

Different Uses of Camping Flashlight

  • Power Outage – Anything can happen while you are in the middle of nowhere and power outage is one of the most common situations. If you are not equipped with a camping generator, the camping torch will save the situation. The TV, Wi-Fi and everything else will not be functional and the battery of your smartphone will probably drain very quickly which will make it difficult to see and function. In this scenario, the camping flashlight will be your lifesaver.
  • Source of Light in Tents – While on camping, the tent is your new home and you will use it to spend some great time with your family and friends. Usually, bigger tents come equipped with a light bulb which is not the most credible source of light. Having no light in the tent can lead to very dangerous situations so you better be safe than sorry by keeping a flashlight on hand.
  • Outdoor Activities – Camping is not just sitting under the tent or making BBQ. It is exploring the nearby area where there isn’t a source of light. Walking around the campsite when the sun goes down can make you really uncomfortable and this is a situation when you need to be really careful and have proper hearing and vision. A good camping flashlight can illuminate the surrounding and show your way so you can avoid coming near any obstacles.
  • Emergency Situations – In case you lost out there or stuck in a secluded area the glare of the flashlight will make it easier for other people to find you and get you out of a dangerous situation. Also, in case you need to pass through fog or heavy smog during your camping trip, a flashlight can bring you to safety.
  • Self-defence – Camping is fun but it still comes with some risks. We truly hope that you will never come across a situation like this, but once you decide to go camping you need to prepare yourself for any kind of obstacles. Believe it or not, a flashlight can be your perfect self-defence tool. One of the ways you can use this unit is to throw the light right in the eyes of the attacker. This will allow you some time to run and look for help. Also, you can use the torch as a weapon to hit the attacker as well.

How to Choose the Right Camping Flashlight

Once you start looking to buy a flashligt you will note many different types available. Some of them are designed for specific purposes while others can be used in many different applications. Since the flashlight you choose will take part in your essential camping equipment, during the shopping process you need to pay attention to a few important factors.

  • Light Output – The light output of the flashlight is measured in lumens. The higher the lumens the better the brightness that is emitted by the bulb of the torch. Lumens in flashlights can range from 20 to 3500, so make sure you choose one that will provide you with enough brightness. Keep in mind that the torch with higher lumens doesn’t necessarily mean is the best choice for you.
  • Beam Distance – When it comes to camping, buying a flashlight with a high beam distance is a good choice as it will help you see far away thus helping you to avoid any obstacles in your way. The beam distance is measured in meters.
  • Runtime – Try to look for a torch that offers the highest run time if you don’t want to end up sitting disappointed in the dark. The run time is measured in hours, so check for a flashlight that doesn’t fade quickly and remains durable.
  • Water-Resistance – Investing a flashlight that is water-resistant is more than a good idea. You will be out there in nature and the chances that your torch will come in contact with water are very high. So if you don’t want to become damaged immediately get a water-resistant unit that can withstand the elements. Check for the water-resistant ranting so you can choose a torch you can use it even on a rainy day.

There are plenty of flashlights available on the market and choosing one can be really tricky. But if you keep these few things in mind, we are sure you can find your perfect light tool for your next camping trip.

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